- Toys And Books Subscription
- Books Subscription
- Table Top Games Membership
- Khushi Toys And Book Library is complete Online Library.
- If user is taking Toys & Books subscription plan then Table Top Games will not be available to them .
- Fee model for the library is as follows
a) One time non-refundable registration charge of Rs. 500/-for the new members.
b) Refundable security deposit of Rs. 5,000/- which is compulsory.
c) The subscription plan is as follows.
Points | Duration | Subscription Fees |
50 | 3 Month | ₹ 5300 |
100 | 6 Months | ₹ 10000 |
160 | 11 Months | ₹ 15500 |
d) Subscription fees once paid will not be refunded.
e) To register yourself, any of the legal ID proof is required.
f) The deposit would be refunded on the closure of the account after ascertaining that the toys/books taken during the membership period are returned back in sound condition without any loss or damage to the article. The deposit would be refunded within 15 working days after intimation and return of original deposit receipt, after deducting the cost of loss/damages if any.
- Your membership starts from the day you register.
- Delivery will be chargeable as per professional courier rates.
- We don’t deliver big toys like slide,trampoline,ride-on,see-saw,car,big doll house etc.
- Members should place an order of minimum 5 points.
- Members are not allowed more than 22 points at any given point of time.
- Multiple copies of same toy is not allowed. Commercial use of any toy is strictly not allowed.
- Non-compliance may attract fine accordingly.
- Please make sure to count and check the toys & books at the time of delivery. once delivered and accepted, we are not responsible for any loss or damages.
- In case you forget to return any toys or book or any part of it,the same product will be repeated in your next order.
- Loss or damage to any toy/book will be charged fully as per the prevailing market rate of the article (Indian market price) along with extra charges if any (for e.g. Pouch/box/lamination etc.). For imported books & toys, the price mentioned by the library would be final. This loss or damage has to be paid within 15 days to make account status ACTIVE.
- If any toy is damaged, member status will be inactive till the time all damage charges are clear.
- The articles can be retained for a maximum duration of 2 weeks. If not returned on time, it will be considered reissued and points will be deducted accordingly. Further reissue will not be allowed.
- Product images are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product.
- Members are not allowed to reserve or block any toys for their next change of toys.
- All articles bear different points. Points are decided on the basis of cost, durability and demand of the product. There are very few items that bear one or two points in our list. Kindly check before enrolling as maximum things are given 3 to 5 points. Please don’t argue on point once you enroll.
- The subscription offered is a mix of books and toys. Only books or only toys could be denied based on availability and demand.
- Batteries for the electronic toys are not provided by the library. Please remove your batteries when you return the toys.
- In case you wish to take break, kindly inform 15 days prior the completion of your term strictly by e-mail. If informed later, you need to continue for the next term.
- Break of more than 3 months will be considered as termination of library membership. Deposit as per the rules will be refunded.
- Sharing of the membership is strictly prohibited. If found, your membership will be terminated without any refund along with forfeiting of the balance subscription amount if any.
- We have sole authority and rights to change rules and regulations whenever required.
I have read thru the above mentioned terms and conditions laid by ‘Khushi Toys & Book Library’. I hereby confirm to abide by the same.
- Khushi Toys And Book Library is completely Online Library.
- Fee model for the library for only books membership is as follows
a) A non-refundable registration charge of Rs. 200/-for the new members.
b) New members need to pay refundable deposit of Rs. 1,000/- .
c) The subscription plan is as follows.
Points | Duration | Subscription Fees |
30 | 3 Months | ₹ 3000 |
60 | 6 Months | ₹ 5500 |
120 | 11 Months | ₹ 10500 |
d) Subscription fees once paid will not be refunded.
e) To register yourself, any of the legal ID proof is required.
f) The deposit would be refunded on the closure of the account after ascertaining that the books taken during the membership period are returned back in sound condition without any loss or damage to the book. The deposit would be refunded within 15 working days after intimation and return of original deposit receipt, after deducting the cost of loss/damages if any.
- There is free home delivery across Mumbai if books are worth more than 5 points. If books are worth less than 5 points delivery charges of ₹100 are applicable. If during home delivery anything is left to be given to the delivery boy, same book will be counted as fresh points.
- In a month only two deliveries are allowed for above 5 points, if more than two is required then ₹100 will be charged per delivery.
- Your membership starts from the day you register.
- Members are not allowed more than 10 points at any given point of time.
- Commercial use of any book is strictly not allowed.
- Please make sure to check the books at the time of delivery. once delivered and accepted, we are not responsible for any loss or damages.
- If any book is damaged, member status will be inactive till the time all damage charges are clear.
- Loss or damage to any book will be charged fully as per the prevailing market rate of the article (Indian market price) .For imported books, the price mentioned by the library would be final. This loss or damage has to be paid to make account status ACTIVE.
- The books can be retained for a maximum duration of 15 days. If not returned on time, it will be considered reissued and points will be deducted accordingly. Further reissue will not be allowed.
- Books images are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual Books.
- Members are not allowed to reserve or block any books for their next change of books.
- All books bear different points. Points are decided on the basis of cost, durability and demand of the book.
- In case you wish to take break, kindly inform 15 days prior the completion of your term strictly by SMS.If informed later, you need to continue for the next term.
- Break of more than 3 months will be considered as termination of library membership. Deposit as per the rules will be refunded.
- Sharing of the membership is strictly prohibited. If found, your membership will be terminated without any refund along with forfeiting of the balance subscription amount if any.
- We have sole authority and rights to change rules and regulations whenever required.
I have read thru the above mentioned terms and conditions laid by ‘Khushi Toys & Book Library’. I hereby confirm to abide by the same.
- Currently this membership is closed as we are revamping our membership model.
- Ordering should be done strictly online. Once we receive your order delivery will be planned accordingly.
- If user is taking Table Top Games Subscription plan then Toys And Books of other categories will not be available to them .
- Fee model is as follows
a) A non-refundable registration charge of Rs. 500/-for the new members.
b) New members need to pay refundable deposit of Rs. 5,000/-
c) The subscription plan is as follows.
Points | Duration | Subscription Fees |
20 | 1 Month | ₹ 1400 |
60 | 3 Months | ₹ 3600 |
125 | 6 Months | ₹ 7000 |
250 | 11 Months | ₹ 12500 |
d) Subscription fees once paid will not be refunded or transferred to anyone or any other subscription plan.
e) To register yourself, any of the legal ID proof is required.
f) The deposit would be refunded on the closure of the account after ascertaining that the games taken during the membership period are returned back in sound condition without any loss or damage to the article. The deposit would be refunded within 15 working days after intimation and return of original deposit receipt, after deducting the cost of loss/damages if any.
- Delivery charges are applicable depending upon distance and courier charges.
- In one order you can order minimum of 10 points and maximum of 25 points.
- User will be allowed to keep games for maximum of three days. User will receive mail on 3rd day about returning of games. If not returned then reorder will be done on 4th day morning.
- If user wishes to keep any game for more days then prior intimation is required.
- Your membership starts from the day you register.
- Multiple copies of same game are not allowed. Commercial use of any game is strictly not allowed.
- Non-compliance may attract fine accordingly.
- Please make sure to count and check the games at the time of delivery. once delivered and accepted, we are not responsible for any loss or damages.
- Loss or damage to any game will be charged fully as per the prevailing market rate of the article (Indian market price) along with extra charges if any (for e.g. Pouch/box/lamination etc.). For imported games, the price mentioned by the library would be final. This loss or damage has to be paid immediately.
- Product images are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product.
- All games bear different points. Points are decided on the basis of cost, durability and demand of the product. Kindly check before enrolling. Please don’t argue on point once you enrol.
- Sharing of the membership is strictly prohibited. If found, your membership will be terminated without any refund along with forfeiting of the balance subscription amount if any.
- We have sole authority and rights to change rules and regulations whenever required (points and policies).
I have read thru the above-mentioned terms and conditions laid by ‘Khushi Toys & Book Library’. I hereby confirm to abide by the same.