Strike dice
Strike Dice is a game for 2-4 players. Each player owns 8 Pyramid Dice and must place on the board as many as possible. The purpose of the game is to collect the most Triangle Cards which they carry variable effects and help you during the game. To win a card you must place the most dice on the board at the end of every Triangulation.
The game board is separated into a number of shapes. The large kit shapes in Red and Blue are called Tribases. Each of you, can place max 1 die on a Tribase. The Red bases are strategically important as they help to spread your dice on the rest dark bases. The small red triangles, at the base of each Tribase is an Exit Point. There are 4 in total and through these, your dice can enter and move on the board.
No. Of Players : 2-4
Time Taken : 20 To 30 Minutes
5 Points1 game board,8 tricards,32 dice
1 in stock
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