In Sleuth, the Dealer shuffles the Gem Deck and removes one card, placing it where no player may accidentally see it. This becomes the Missing Gem. The remaining Gem cards are dealt evenly to each player to form their hands. Players record the information from their private cards on their information sheets. Any remaining Gem cards are placed face up for all players to note and record on their information sheets. Each Gem Card has three elements: Gem (diamond, pearl, or opal), Color (red, yellow, blue, or green), and Type (solitaire, pair, or cluster). Players use Search Cards to discover and record what their opponents hold in their hands Play continues until one player believes they have solved the mystery. They note their guess and check the missing gem. If correct, the player reveals the card and wins the game. If incorrect, the player replaces the missing gem and the game continues. This player is now out of contention but must continue answering any interrogations.
No. Of Players : 3-7
Time To Play : 30 To 45 Minutes
10 Points3 ins sheet, 36 gem cards, 54 search cards
1 in stock
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