Moomery is a memory game in which you not only have to prove your brain skills to win the game, but also your speed. One player flips a card from the stack and keeps on doing that, until one person sees a card they remember to have seen before (has been flipped before).
But be aware: As soon as there is a cow ? everyone has to tap the stack of cards as quickly as possible to win the cards that have been flipped. The game is played until there are no cards left and the player with the most cards wins the game. If someone wrongly taps the stack of cards, the cards are divided between the other players. Khushi Online Library is Mumbai’s best library for renting branded toys, books and board games. If you wish to rent online a specific toy, book or board game and you have difficulty in finding it on our online library, then please write to, we will be happy to help.
3 Points75 cards,1 ins
1 in stock
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