Money Mania

Teach your children the most important tool of budgeting, with the help of our Money Mania box which is a super-fun educational product.Your child will learn how to earn money by undertaking basic responsibilities such as brushing their teeth, making their bed or any other chores that you would like your child to help you with. This box comes with a Responsibility Chart that the parent and child can fill up with the Duty stickers and assign a monetary value to each task. But why would your child want to help you with these chores? Because they want to be able to purchase a toy or a game or anything else that they wish for. Fill up the Wish List Board and allow your child to place stickers of their goals on the Board. This motivates them to their chores. Whatever they earn is divided into SAVE, SPEND & SHARE envelopes. There is also an ATM Card which makes your child feel important and practice safe keeping. The box also has other items to make it more interesting – a story book, activity sheets and a Certificate and the Marketplace Board Game which is a fun shopping game and the first one to collect two items from each store and race to the finish line wins!

3 Points

Storybook ,Responsibility Chart 2 ,Responsibility Chart Sticker Sheets, Wishlist Board, Wishlist Sticker Sheet ,Marketplace Board game with Money & Food tokens Dice & Pawns, ATM Card ,SAVE, SPEND & SHARE Envelopes, Activity Sheets ,Certificate

1 in stock

Product CodeTMC794
BrandsThe Story Merchants
SkillCritical Thinking, Family Play, Learning & Education
AvailabilityIn Stock
Quantity -+

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