Gold Donkey
There are 3 donkeys in this game called David, Dora and Dorothy.
They are placed in the center – and as the cards are drawn – whoever gets the color donkey card has to say “eeee-ha”, and grab the same color donkey – and place it in front of them-self. (This is tough for kids when their donkey is being taken…..but they learn to deal with it…..and ofcourse they are ecstatic when they get to grab a donkey from someone else :))
Once the gold coin card comes, whoever has the donkeys – gets one coin per donkey.
The cards are shuffled and game play resumes.
This happens for 4 rounds and whoever has the most gold coins at the end is the winner.
3 Donkeys, 12 gold coins, 22 cards, 1 ins sheet
1 in stock
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