A fun and exciting way to learn about colours and shapes, this is an extremely simple game, suitable for children aged 3 and over, which will be popular with all the family. The game consists of 40 circular ‘doodlebug’ character cards and 1 ‘wild’ card, which counts as any colour or shape. The object of the game is to be the first player to discard all their doodlebug cards by matching either the character or the colour of the previous card. Each player is dealt five cards which they lay face up in front of them. The remaining cards are placed in a pile, face down, in the centre of the table. The top card is turned over and put face up next to the pile. If the first player can match either the shape or colour of the exposed card in the centre with one of theirs, they place their card on top of it, face up. If they do not have a matching card, they have to pick up the top card from the face down pile and add it to their own cards, and play continues to the next player. A wild card can be used on any turn by a player to represent whatever character or colour they wish. The winner is the first player to play all their cards. Older players will learn to play more tactically, as they can see which cards the other players have left.
2 Points41 cards,1 ins sheet
2 in stock
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