The best liar wins in Hoax, a fast-paced party game of secret identities designed by, Bill Eberle, Jack Kittredge, Ned Horn and Peter Olotka. When an unscrupulous business magnate meets an undignified end, a fierce competition for his estate begins. Each player in Hoax takes on one of seven secret identities, from the resentful chef to the ambitious son-in-law and attempts to make the other players believe that they are actually someone else. Each turn you can claim a privilege (whether or not its actually yours to claim), investigate another player, or make an accusation. You can be eliminated by making false accusations or getting caught in a lie. Victory goes to the player who can outlast all the others, demonstrating that he is the most devious, scheming competitor in the game.
No. Of Players : 3-6
Time Taken : 10 To 20 Minutes
5 Points15 cards,6 ref cards,27 resource tokens,25 jumpaster tokens,6 ins
1 in stock
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