Crazy Phrases
Crazy Phrazes takes silly, everyday expressions such as “Hold your horses”, “Cats out of the bag”, and more and turns them into a game. The game is for four or more players divided into two teams. It’s up to the players how many points you want to play to but 25 is a recommended starting point. Whichever team rolls the highest number gets to go first.
Each team will have a clue-giver that changes every round. The clue-giver starts a round by selecting a card from the stack and rolling the dice. The number on one die will determine which phrase on a card you’ll be performing as well as the points up for grabs. The Crazy Phrazes die will determine how exactly your clue giver will act out the phrase: Act It, Draw It, Describe it (without saying any of the words), Spell It, Choose it, or Lose it.
Each round, players will have 60 seconds or until the sand runs out on the timer to guess the phrase. If the team still hasn’t guessed correctly by that time, it will go to the opposing teams for a steal. The first team to 25 points wins the game.
No. Of Players : 2-18
10 Points1 board, 240 cards, 39 pieces, 1 dices, 1 timer,
1 in stock
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